Saturday, June 13, 2015

A New Definition of Disciple

The more I read and think about this, the more convinced I am that we need a new definition of disciple. My reading, my thinking, and my experience lead me to the conclusion that true discipleship is generational. 

1. There are four generations of believers in 2 Tim 2:2 -- "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others."

     First Generation: Paul
          Second Generation: Timothy
               Third Generation: Reliable people
                     Fourth Generation: Others

A disciple is someone who disciples someone who disciples someone.

2. Very often in the Bible, when God saved someone he saved their entire οίκος (oikos) -- household, family, close associates. See, e.g., Gen. 6:17-18, Joshua 6:17, Mark 5:18-20, John 4:39-42, Acts 10:24; 16:14-15; 30-33, and many other places.

I was saved by faith in Christ at age 16, but nobody ever discipled me. I never told my mother, father, or brothers about the Lord and what he had done for me. My oikos never heard my faith story. I did not share Jesus with them, and this is the one big regret I have as a Christian. If I could have one do-over, I would go back and be discipled so that my oikos could hear and believe.

A disciple is someone who disciples someone who disciples someone.

And today, after 49 years as a Christ follower, I'm not sure if I can really call myself a disciple. Oh, I'm a Christian for sure. I'm saved. I'm born again. But have I ever discipled anyone who then discipled someone else? I just don't know.

How about you?

A disciple is someone who disciples someone who disciples someone.

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