Friday, August 1, 2014

What a Disciple Looks Like - Part 3

In all of my reading, reflecting, thinking, and writing I have become convinced that all three domains are necessary in order for learning to be complete. In discipling terms, all three domains are necessary for a disciple. In head, heart, and hands terms, a disciple has to know something, feel something, and do something. All three are necessary: Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral.

In the last two weeks I listed some knowledge and attitudes that a disciple should possess. Now it’s time to complete the triad with some Behavioral Domain information.

            So here is a beginning list of skills/behaviors that a disciple should have. Please add your thoughts!

1.      Bible reading: both devotionally and in-depth Bible study
2.      Worship: private and corporate
3.      Prayer
4.      Spiritual disciplines appropriate for the disciple’s unique createdness
Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline is helpful. He suggests three categories of spiritual disciplines:
(1)   Inward Disciplines: Meditation, Prayer, Bible reading, Reading other devotional literature, Silence, Journaling, Fasting, Study
(2)   Outward Disciplines: Simplicity, Solitude, Service, Submission, Gentleness, Patience, Love, Testimony
(3)   Corporate Disciplines: Confession, Celebration, Fellowship, Citizenship, Worship, Planning for spiritual growth
5.      Discover and develop personal spiritual gifts
6.      Holy living
7.      Tithing and generous giving
8.      What else?



  1. 8. Service to widows, orphans, homeless, hungry, less fortunate, etc.

  2. The list is an encouragement for me to continue growing both inwardly and outwardly, to manifest discipling to others. This is also a good list of accountability that when I become complacent, it reminds me to become active in these areas and look for opportunities. They are all around us. Are we willing to see them?

  3. This list is extensive. I would possibly add displaying the fruit of the spirit to their fellow man. If a disciple is covering up these fruits like precious pearls then they are not truly living the live of a disciple of Christ.

  4. That's a good list. I would add some sort of personal evangelism.

  5. It is a good list. I agree with Thomas's suggestion. Also perhaps falling under one or several of the categories listed above would be giving of yourself. There other ways to give generously besides just financially or materially.

  6. I agree with the other suggestions- I would add the ability to speak the truth in love/the ability to show grace.
